Cannabis Europa 2023: Special Report

Cannabis is for everyone. Or at least it should be. As an industry, it makes all...

Dave Barton
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Cannabis is for everyone. Or at least it should be. As an industry, it makes all...

Cannabis is for everyone. Or at least it should be. As an industry, it makes all the right noises about being inclusive, diverse, and actively ‘correcting’ the gender, LGBTQIA+, and BIPOC imbalances associated with other sectors. But is that really what’s happening? 

Look around you at any industry event and it’s clear that the majority are still white dudes – many non-suits, but white men nonetheless – especially those in C-suite roles. Like in other sectors, this needs to change. But how can equality be achieved in cannabis? Is cannabis doing a better or worse job of being inclusive than other industries? How can we build the industry we want to see?

Blog Author
Dave Barton
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