the lobsterpot< – edition 34

We’re back baby(!). Now that we’re fully(ish) recovered from all that ICBC Berlin...

Jamie Bonthron
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We’re back baby(!). Now that we’re fully(ish) recovered from all that ICBC Berlin...

We’re back baby(!). Now that we’re fully(ish) recovered from all that ICBC Berlin has to offer, we feel suitably more in the know on all things cannabis compared to a week ago. 

Hats off to all the brilliant speakers, exhibitors, and attendees that made this year’s Berlin conference the real deal! 

As is customary, we asked some of our new friends their thoughts on the road ahead for Germany. We even had time to put our mic and camera in the face of some locals on the street to find out what your non-canna person thinks about Germany’s rec market opening up.

Curious to see what they had to say? Check out what we’ve ‘bin’ doing…  (Write up here!)

"Germany will be the starting point for recreational legalisation in Europe."

Benedikt Sons, Co-founder and CEO, Cansativa (at ICBC Berlin)

Afghan Bound

Afghanistan is a fascinating collision of attitudes toward cannabis. And with the Taliban controlling much of the country, those pushing to make CBD a thing are struggling to overcome the stigma that weed is only for getting high. The problem manifests uniquely all over the world, but it stems from the same thing – misunderstanding.

Bruh, You Brew?

Home growers don’t get a lot of attention from the industry because they’re a pretty small group in many countries. This great piece takes a dive into who home growers are and how they compare with their brewing counterparts. Long live personal production(!).

Dats Actually Da Sound of Da Police

We always like to plug local news stories whenever we get the chance. Invariably they’re full of some of the dafter stories you could hope to find – and this is no exception. Either brave, stupid, or downright nihilistic (perhaps a combination of the three), this wasn’t the best grow spot.

In Every Home Across America

Well maybe not quite every home, but pretty close. The House of Representatives has passed legislation that allows for cannabis advertising to be broadcast on radio and TV. You might think it’s legacy media, but it still holds the attention of 100s of millions of people so it’s a seriously big deal.

Will It Be The Emerald Isle?

Ireland is in an interesting spot when it comes to cannabis. Currently, there are no products allowed in the country that have any level of THC. But a high court challenge is threatening to collapse that position and bring Ireland in line with the rest of the EU.

Frikkin’ Narc

As hard as they might try, big corporations can’t escape what they are. They tend to stand out like a sore thumb in weed – esp. when trying to ride the wave of classic cannabis cool. Know who you are and be that, everyone else is taken.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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