the lobsterpot< – edition 4

“Of course I know how to roll a joint” - Martha Stewart

Dave Barton
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“Of course I know how to roll a joint” - Martha Stewart

We don’t like to preach. Ok, we’ll not start with a fib – that doesn’t seem very in keeping with the approaching festive spirit. We love to preach, just so long as it’s all about the positive news in the world of weed.

More often than not, people – ourselves included – get caught seeing the things that are wrong with existing pot legislation, rather than how much it has changed in recent years. That is still happening now and while, yes, we would all love it to hurry up, it’s a snowball effect that takes time to gain speed: so slow your roll.

This week’s quote comes from the seeming antithesis of drug culture and just goes to show that, while contraband in many places, it’s found its way into the lives of many all the same.

“Of course I know how to roll a joint” - Martha Stewart

You Shall Not Tax

Historically, one of the best ways to fight against an underground market is to make it super profitable, when done legally. The tax suspension of cannabis business in San Fran goes to prove that point and should help business owners at the end of the year.

Speak of the Level

In recent weeks, a number of European countries have driven forward positive legislation, and now an EU-wide change to the Common Agricultural Policy means THC levels in hemp are now permissible at 0.3% – up from 0.2%. Now, this might not sound important but every time a rule is bettered, even in a related space, it sets a precedent.


This is actually a really important piece that we would definitely recommend you read. As much as we are pro-pot it’s always important to keep up to date on research and improvements in understanding so that we can better help people dealing with drug abuse.

thermidor< - the lobsterpot< – edition 4

Safe Packing

We love a gadget: even more so when its simplicity is a feature of its efficacy. Grasshopper has released their bulk packing bucket so that growers everywhere can move away from their MacGuyveresque creations.

Test Pain

Speaking of science, researchers at Sydney University have discovered that using THC markers from the blood or saliva is actually a poor way of assessing driving impairment. This begs the question: how is it going to be assessed in the future? We’ll keep you updated.

A Czar Cry

Rahul Gupta, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), a serious abbreviation we know(!), is looking at any and every option to combat drug deaths in the US. This aligns well with last month’s news that 2 safe consumption sites in New York City would open as a safe space to take illicit drugs.

Blog Author
Dave Barton
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