the lobsterpot< – edition 9

We know you’re here because you want the best cannabis stories

Dave Barton
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We know you’re here because you want the best cannabis stories
“I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There’s some pretty good homegrown dope. I’m sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses.” – Stephen King

The Slow Roll

With the recent news that Germany plans to legalize recreational cannabis, many German start-ups are now getting ready for the shift. Although it will likely be a year or two before the bill is ready, these companies want to hit the ground running the moment they can.

A Study For Anything

The University of Almeria recently concluded that high-risk cannabis and moderate alcohol-consuming young people, aged 18 to 30, experienced increased arousal, better orgasms, and improved sexual function. We reckon the uptake on that study was probably pretty quick (!).

Thai Surprise

In what many have regarded as a surprising move, Thailand’s equivalent of the FDA has announced it will recommend pot be removed from the list of banned substances. This would also make it the first country in the region to do so. For a country with such strict drug laws, this is a big deal.

It’s Not Tomato, Tomato

Leafie has pulled together another cracking piece on the distinction between medical and recreational cannabis, and how different terminology skews support when it comes to legislative change. It might make you think twice about the power of titles in an argument.

Can’t Teach Cool

In what is without question one of the smoothest campaign videos of all time, Louisiana Senate candidate Gary Chambers lights up on camera to denounce the failings of criminalization of cannabis. Check it out, it’s a brilliant 37 seconds.

Pistil Data

This is a great coverage piece on a really interesting market intelligence company called Pistil Data. They focus on providing worthwhile data to sales and brand teams to help them navigate the unique landscape of the cannabis industry.

Blog Author
Dave Barton
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