the lobsterpot< newswrap August 14th 23'

Hot damn, this week has been jam-packed with exciting news of a legislative nature...

Jamie Bonthron
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Hot damn, this week has been jam-packed with exciting news of a legislative nature...

Hot damn, this week has been jam-packed with exciting news of a legislative nature. Wo, wo, wo, before you scroll on, we promise it’s stuff you’ll care about. Sure, we love writing about some of the truly esoteric stories that roll out of this wonderful industry, but we love shining a light on the serious side too.

Also, it’s 4 days until Product Earth, which means our caps are with the dry cleaners ready for donning on Friday morning when we’ll be in full-on filming mode, covering every part of the UK cannabis scene that we possibly freakin’ can, ya hear!?


Minnesota is doing some good work with a new program called CanRenew, which will be awarding grants for investments in communities affected by cannabis prohibition. There’s a total of $15 million being pushed by the program, with hopefully more in the future. Nice work Minesotta.

Shooting Straight?

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has decided to overturn the conviction of a man who was sentenced to four years in prison after he admitted to occasional cannabis use while also possessing a firearm. This subject is a pretty divisive one, what do you think?

Good Work Missouri

According to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), Missouri has expunged the records of over 70,000 cannabis convictions. No quip or silliness for us to comment on, just a great job. Keep it up people(!).

Is That Right?

The Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, has signed a bill to create a cannabis legalization study commission. Sounds good, until you find out they’re investigating whether cannabis can be sold via state-owned shops rather than private retailers. Our vote: that’s probably not a great move.

Weight Of The World

62.3 metric tonnes of cannabis seen off makes New York the highest cannabis-consuming city in the world. Leagues ahead of the closest competition, Sydney and LA, the big apple really is all about the green.

Michigan Rising

Michigan cannabis sales have steadily risen almost like clockwork for the past few years. For all the doom and gloom in the industry, Michigan cannabis is doing great. How great? $276.7 million in July. Put that in your pipe…oh wait, they already did.

thermidor< is a content-led, cannabis-focused, creative agency. We work with B2B, B2C, and D2C brands to develop messaging, brand, and tone of voice, as well as create written, audio, and visual content such as blogs, whitepapers, podcasts, and event films.

Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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