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the lobsterpot< – newswrap Feb 13th 23'
Well alrighty then, it’s Valentine's tomorrow. While Cupid’s arrow x heart pinging...
Jamie Bonthron
February 13, 2023
3 minutes
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Well alrighty then, it’s Valentine’s tomorrow. While Cupid’s arrow x heart pinging activities set loins ablazin’, because we love you all so much (see what we did there?) we have a suitably saucy offer for ya this February.
While we’re on the topic of tasteful lust (!), check out this new campaign from the Cannabis Media Council. Called “I’m High Right Now”, it’s a tongue-in-cheek take on the benefits of our fave plant aimed at those of a certain age: one of the key benefits being its positive effect on one’s sex life.
A serious precedent was set last week when a federal court ruled that bans on gun ownership for cannabis consumers is unconstitutional. This is certainly a contentious topic more broadly, but a critical one in the political landscape of the US.
One of the world’s largest rolling paper brands, RAW, is in some pretty hot water right now. They’re being taken to task over a variety of claims they’ve made on their products. There’s actually a lot they’re being chased on, check out the full list in the link above.
You might have heard of California or Cali Sober from some cool (and probably young) folks recently. It’s a phrase banded around to represent the replacement of potentially more harmful substances with good ol’ weed. Sober might be a stretch though (?).
Yes, you did indeed read that correctly. It comes as part of wider changes to the remit of businesses operating in the world- (in)famous spot, in an attempt to improve the liveability for residents.
In the aftermath of the Super Bowl, let’s shed some light on a Hall of Famer who advocates for cannabis products and has now released one. Calvin Johnson, aka Megatron (brilliant nickname tbf), has launched the Primitiv Performance product line alongside his former Lions teammate Rob Sims.
Scandinavia doesn’t tend to rush stuff. But, as always, we’ll do our little bit to highlight any progress that a country, government, organization, or individual is making in the fight to make cannabis a thing. Norway has now hosted its first public meeting on medical cannabis. Nice work chaps(!).
thermidor< is a content-led, cannabis-focused, creative agency. We work with B2B, B2C, and D2C brands to develop messaging, brand, and tone of voice, as well as create written, audio, and visual content such as blogs, whitepapers, podcasts, and event films.
Blog Author
Jamie Bonthron
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